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My Favorite Japanese Youtuber: Mahoto

*This article is written by a writer whose primary language is not English, so be alarmed. *

Today I decided to write a post about a Japanese Youtuber Mahoto Watanabe. I see that there are many English speaking viewers who don't understand Japanese language, but still love him. I thought there should be some good information about Mahoto in English. So I made this article based on Mahoto's video here. I tried to write as accurate as I could.

His Youtuber channel link is here!

Here is Mahoto's biography. Enjoy!

How Youtuber Mahoto has begun
Mahoto is a famous Japanese youtuber who has more than a million subscribers on his channel.
His career on the Internet is long, he has been making his videos since he was 14 years old. (He is now 22). About 8 years ago, it was not common for people in Japan to show their faces on the Internet at all.

He started posting his video when he was in the middle school, because he lost to a "Rock-Scissors-Paper" game. He posted the first video on a website called "Niko Niko Video", a Japanese video website that used to be as common as Youtube. Mahoto continued posting videos on the website even if it was supposed to be "just one time" thing.

He stopped making videos as he graduated from a middle school, but he started filming again when he was in high school and was 16~17 years old.

His Jobs during High School Years
Mahoto was workig at McDonald during his freshman year. He was working pretty hard as his working shift was 5-7AM before school, 4-9PM after school. However, one day he went to his workplace, McDonald was gone. It was closed for renewal opening and Mahoto had absolutely no idea.

(He claims that he may still remain as a part time worker there because he never had a chance to quit it.)

Then he started working at 7/11 cvs store. I have a cute picture of Mahoto as a 7/11 worker here!

Dropping out of High School
During Sophomore year, Mahoto was busy making videos, meeting his favorite idol Megwin and working his job. He didn't care for any school works. Apparently he scored terrible grades on 5 different subjects, then  dropped out of high school. On the day he quit high school, he told his father that "I want to make videos, that's what I want to do". (And his father said "Then do it!!")

He eventually entered to online high school. However, Mahoto repeated his senior year for 6 years, and recently graduated as 22 years old. (March, 2015)
He didn't attend graduation. He said he was actually not sure about when graduation was happening. So his diploma was sent to his home by mail.

2007    Posted his first video on internet as "Sashiman".
2008    Entered to high school.
2009 Dropped out from high school.
2010    He begun his career on making videos.
2015    Achieved over 1 million subscribers.

Mahoto's message
At the end of this video, he told that there was a time when his friend made fun of him because Mahoto had no career/high school diploma, was just making videos. 

He told his viewers,

「No matter how much you get made fun of or who makes fun of you, if you're certain of what you want to do, never stop. Keep working on it. I believe in the old saying "Slow but steady wins the race"」

Hope you enjoyed it. I know it is frustrating not being able to understand what he is saying in videos, but I hope I could help all his English viewers to learn a little something about Mahoto Watanabe.

I was recently impressed to know that Mahoto can play the violin. 
He said he was learning how to play the violin for 10 years. 

You can see him playing at the end of  this video!


  1. Awwwww, thank you so much! I wanted to know about him and couldn't find anything in english :C

    1. I'm glad I could help! Please check my other posts on Mahoto as well :)

  2. Sometimes, I dont get why he act so weirdly... like eating bird food? and eating insects? asking his sister to stab him? throwing hot boiling water to people?
    and why does people kinda idolize him? just because his good looks? sound superficial to me.... :/ meh

    1. He sure does act weirdly, and he is crazy. I was an audience like you before, thinking that I would never like a Youtuber like him. I never thought of spending my time to watch his videos. But once I started watching, I noticed his videos got something really interesting and yet twisted lol I couldn't stop watching his videos because I could never predict what he would do next. In fact, a lot of English speaking people who don't even understand Japanese lanugage watch him recently. That's why I wrote this article. Completely respect your opinion tho.


  3. Hi, I want to thank you these infos. It is weird for me because I hardly understand a word in his videos but it is still entertaining and he is quite charismatic. I've been thinking about start to learn japanese for a while but first I want to learn english so then I could translate his videos. He is such an inspiration for me, his videos always makes me smile and I know that I'm not the only one. I've always been shy and Mahoto's videos gave me a little more confidence. If I'll be able to make english subs for his videos I think I can give others more reason to watch this awesome guy.
    Thanks again ^^ - kovbog

    1. Thank you for your comment! I was surprised to hear how many people were interested in Mahoto, even though they have no idea what he is saying! I guess he gets people be curious about him because he does crazy things?lol Mahoto always says he is very shy in a real life. I think there are a lot of charming things about him. Again thank you for your comment!

  4. Thank you so much for the info! I recently started watching some of his videos. Do you know if they will make more collaborations with PDRsan?

    1. Thank you for the comment!

      Yes-they are friends! Mahoto and PDR san sometimes go watch wrestling game together. So they do hang out. But Mahoto moved in with two Japanese man recently, and I am not sure if PDR san is closed to those guys.

  5. Thank you for explaining a bit on mahoto I wanted to know mas on and was not finding anything in English. <3 :)

    1. Thank you for reading! I know, that is why I started writing about Mahoto in English.

  6. Thank you for your lovely article! I am subscribed to him and enjoy watching his videos even though I understand next to nothing of the language. Learning this about him - through your writing - has been wonderful. Thanks again! Great. ��������������

  7. Thank you so much for this article! I am able to understand a lot more now. However I still have this burning question in my mind.. is Mahoto homosexual? I wouldn't care if he is or not because I find him so precious either way. <3 But I found older videos of him saying "not gay" but I can see in his recent videos he is kissing men from the streets. I thought that video was so cute though hehe. Anyways, I'm very curious as to why his outro is also a cute image of him moving his arms, lifting his head, then a women's body appears? Why is that? I'm a new fan of his and I would love to know more please<3 ..if you don't mind aha

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mmm well I'm not the author but maybe I could answer your question...(sry I am a Chinese who does speak Japanese and English so my English is not good). Mahotosan is not homosexual nor gay, and he had explained these questions for quite a few's only because he's a YouTuber so he sometimes kisses man. Lots of times to be fair. With the kissing a hundred man contest, he explained that he wanted to show more interest and affection(might be using the wrong words)to his male fans. I hope that helps QWQ


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